Tag Archives: evangelization

3 Part Series on Evangelization: From Vision to Maturity

Evangelization is a dynamic and multifaceted journey, much like a coach guiding a team to victory. It involves not just instruction, but a deep relational process that nurtures spiritual growth, transformation, and maturity. Over the course of this three-part series, we will explore key principles that shape effective evangelization, drawing analogies from the world of basketball coaching to highlight the parallels between developing athletes and guiding individuals in their spiritual lives.

In Part 1, Meeting People Where They Are: The Art of Vision and Patience, we will discuss the importance of seeing others not just for who they are today, but for their potential in Christ. Just as a coach sees the potential in a player and casts a vision for their growth, evangelizers are called to meet individuals at their current place in life, respecting their unique struggles, doubts, and questions. This part will emphasize how a vision for spiritual growth and transformation is foundational to effective evangelization, requiring patience, empathy, and respect for the personal journey.

Part 2, Frameworks and Boundaries: The Path to Freedom and Flourishing, will delve into the role that structure and boundaries play in evangelization. In basketball, players thrive within a well-defined system of rules and practices, and in the same way, the Catholic Church provides a framework of teachings, sacraments, and moral guidelines that lead individuals to spiritual freedom and flourishing. This section will highlight how boundaries—rather than restricting creativity—actually create the space for growth, freedom, and self-expression within the context of faith.

Finally, in Part 3, Guiding the Journey: From Dependence to Maturity, we will focus on the goal of evangelization: to guide individuals from spiritual infancy to maturity. Just as a coach works to develop players who can take ownership of their growth, evangelizers help others internalize their faith and develop a personal relationship with Christ. This part will emphasize the gradual, relational nature of spiritual growth, exploring how we, as evangelizers, can encourage self-discipline, trust in the process, and the eventual goal of spiritual maturity.

Each part of this series is designed to explore a crucial aspect of evangelization, providing insights into how we can guide others effectively, from their initial steps in faith to a deep, integrated commitment to Christ. Whether you are a seasoned evangelizer or someone looking to better understand the journey of faith, this series will offer valuable reflections on how we can help others grow in their spiritual lives with vision, patience, structure, and love.

1. Meeting People Where They Are: The Art of Vision and Patience

In the realm of basketball coaching, there’s a distinct moment when a coach looks at a player and sees not just their current skills but their potential—the kind of player they could become with guidance, effort, and perseverance. This vision shapes the coach’s approach, meeting the player where they are while casting a vision for where they could be. Interestingly, this principle applies not just on the court but also in the spiritual realm, particularly in the work of evangelization.

When we talk about sharing the Catholic faith, meeting people where they are is a foundational concept. It’s about recognizing their current struggles, questions, and perspectives while gently pointing them toward the deeper truths of the Gospel. This process requires vision, patience, and a deep respect for the individual journey.

Effective evangelization begins with seeing people not only as they are but as they can become in Christ. This mirrors how God views each of us: as beloved children with infinite potential for holiness. As evangelizers, we’re called to reflect that divine vision, looking past surface-level doubts or sinfulness to see the image of God within each person. We find a compelling example of this in Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4). At first glance, she was an unlikely candidate for transformation—an outsider living in sin. Yet Jesus didn’t focus on her flaws. He began with a simple request for water, meeting her at the level of human connection. As their conversation unfolded, He gradually revealed her potential for a deeper relationship with God. By the end, she became not only a believer but an evangelizer herself, bringing her entire village to Christ. This approach teaches us an important lesson: meeting people where they are means respecting their current state without assuming it’s the whole story. It’s about recognizing their potential for transformation and patiently guiding them toward it.

Evangelization is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. People are drawn to faith through the lens of their own experiences, struggles, and interests. Just as a coach connects with players on their level, helping them see the game in a way that resonates, we must find ways to relate the Catholic faith to the unique perspectives of those we’re trying to reach. For example, if someone is moved by beauty, you might introduce them to the profound beauty of Catholic art or liturgical practices. For someone who values reason, you might point to the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas or the harmony between faith and science. Many people feel a deep sense of restlessness or dissatisfaction with modern life. In those moments, the Catholic faith can speak powerfully by addressing the universal human longing for meaning, purpose, and love. Meeting people where they are means starting the conversation on their terms. It’s not about overwhelming them with theology or moral teachings right away, but about building trust and showing them that the faith is relevant to their lives.

So how do we actually meet people where they are? First, listen. Ask questions about their life, struggles, and hopes. Listening communicates respect and builds trust, which is the foundation for any meaningful conversation about faith. Then, speak their language. Frame the faith in terms they can relate to. For example, instead of diving straight into doctrines like the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, start with the concept of God’s desire for intimate connection with us, which the Eucharist fulfills. Lastly, be a witness. Share your own story. People may debate theology, but it’s hard to argue with a personal experience of faith transforming a life. In essence, meeting people where they are requires us to meet them in their humanity, just as Christ met us in ours.

Transformation takes time, both in basketball and in the spiritual life. A coach doesn’t expect a novice player to become an all-star overnight. Similarly, we shouldn’t expect someone new to the faith to grasp everything immediately or commit fully right away. Conversion is often a gradual process, marked by questions, doubts, and small steps of growth. As evangelizers, our role is to plant seeds and nurture them with care. St. Paul captures this beautifully when he says, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth” (1 Corinthians 3:6). This reminds us that while we play a role in sharing the faith, it’s ultimately the Holy Spirit who works in the heart of the individual. Patience also means being okay with not seeing immediate results. Someone you speak to today might not take a step toward faith for years, but your witness could be the spark that eventually leads them to Christ. Trust that God is at work, even when progress isn’t visible.

Meeting people where they are is about more than just engaging with their current realities. It’s about seeing their potential—the person they can become in Christ—and patiently walking with them on the journey. Whether on the basketball court or in the spiritual life, this approach fosters trust, builds confidence, and inspires growth. It allows us to meet others with compassion, offer a vision for their lives, and trust in God’s timing to bring that vision to fruition. Just as a coach patiently works with a player to help them realize their potential, we’re called to guide others toward their ultimate purpose: a life transformed by the love of God.

2. Frameworks and Boundaries: The Path to Freedom and Flourishing

In the world of basketball, a coach doesn’t simply teach players to shoot, dribble, or pass in isolation. They teach players to function within a system—a framework that organizes the game, giving players structure and purpose. Boundaries are an essential part of that system. These limits don’t restrict creativity; they create the conditions for it. In fact, boundaries help players to express their talent fully, without losing sight of the goal. Similarly, when it comes to evangelization, the Catholic Church provides a framework—a set of teachings, practices, and moral boundaries—that guides people toward a life of freedom, meaning, and holiness. Just as a basketball player thrives within the boundaries of the game, a person grows spiritually within the moral and spiritual framework the Church provides. This article explores the role of boundaries in evangelization and how they foster growth, freedom, and flourishing.

One of the most powerful and counterintuitive aspects of both coaching and Catholic teaching is the idea that boundaries lead to freedom. A basketball team, for instance, can only play the game well because there are rules—boundaries that ensure fairness, focus, and order. Without those structures, players might run wild, breaking the flow of the game and disrupting their own development. In the spiritual life, boundaries—like the commandments and teachings of the Church—serve a similar purpose. At first glance, these might seem restrictive, as if they confine freedom. However, in reality, they provide the conditions for true freedom. Jesus Himself put it this way: “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:31-32). True freedom isn’t about doing whatever we want, whenever we want. That’s chaos. Real freedom is about being who we were created to be, living in harmony with God’s will. Just as a basketball player excels by understanding the game’s structure, a person flourishes by living within the moral boundaries set by God, which ultimately leads them to deeper peace, joy, and purpose.

For example, the Ten Commandments aren’t arbitrary restrictions—they are safeguards that protect us from harm and keep our relationships with God and others intact. Similarly, teachings on chastity, honesty, and justice help us to live lives that are truly free from selfishness and sin.

In basketball, a coach doesn’t just give players a goal and leave them to figure out how to get there. They teach fundamentals: footwork, passing, shooting, positioning. These fundamentals are the building blocks that allow players to advance in skill and ultimately achieve the team’s goals. Similarly, the Church provides us with a framework for spiritual growth. The Sacraments are like the essential drills of the spiritual life. Baptism introduces us to the faith, the Eucharist nourishes us spiritually, and Confession helps us get back on track when we’ve fallen. Each sacrament builds upon the other, guiding us toward greater intimacy with God. The Church’s teachings on the moral life are the “playbook” for how to live out our faith in the world. The Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, and the virtues of love, patience, and humility offer concrete ways to live as disciples of Christ. These moral teachings give us direction and prevent us from wandering aimlessly. Just as a player practices every day to improve their game, Catholics are called to daily prayer and Scripture reading to nourish their relationship with God. This consistent practice deepens our understanding of the faith, strengthens our resolve, and equips us to handle life’s challenges with grace.

Imagine a basketball game without boundaries—no lines to define the court, no rules about fouls, no structure at all. The game would descend into chaos. Without boundaries, the game wouldn’t be recognizable, and players would never learn to play effectively. In the same way, moral and spiritual boundaries in the Catholic faith protect us from chaos and keep us on track toward God. The Church’s teachings act as guardrails, ensuring we stay true to the Gospel while avoiding the pitfalls of sin and confusion. These boundaries help us avoid straying too far from the path of holiness.

For example, the Commandments are not mere rules; they are essential moral guidelines that keep us grounded in love for God and neighbor. When we honor the Sabbath, we recognize the importance of rest and worship in our lives. When we avoid coveting our neighbor’s possessions, we protect ourselves from envy and greed. The Church’s teachings on human dignity and social justice help us navigate the complexities of modern life, ensuring that we treat others with respect and compassion. Without these boundaries, we might be swept up in the selfishness and division that often characterize contemporary society. These boundaries prevent us from wandering off course. They are meant to protect our hearts, guide our decisions, and ensure that we stay focused on our ultimate goal: union with God.

It might seem paradoxical, but boundaries often create the freedom for creativity to flourish. In basketball, once players understand the rules and basics, they can adapt their play, make strategic decisions, and bring their unique talents to the game. The rules provide a foundation for creative play, making the game more exciting and dynamic. Similarly, in the spiritual life, the framework provided by the Church allows us to live out our faith in diverse and creative ways. Just as every basketball player brings something unique to the court, each Christian has unique gifts and callings. Within the moral and doctrinal boundaries of the Church, there’s immense freedom to explore how we can love and serve God and others.

The lives of the saints show us how creativity and holiness can go hand-in-hand. St. Teresa of Avila lived out her faith through mystical contemplation and reforming the Carmelite Order. St. Francis of Assisi expressed his devotion through a life of radical poverty and love for creation. Both were deeply faithful to the Church’s framework, yet each lived that faith in uniquely creative ways. Just as in basketball where each player has their own strengths—some are better at defense, others at shooting—each person has unique talents and skills to offer in service to the Church. The boundaries of the faith encourage us to find ways to use our gifts to build up the Body of Christ, from music and art to teaching and social work.

As an evangelizer, it’s not enough to simply present the framework and boundaries of the faith. We must help others see that these boundaries are good—that they lead to freedom and flourishing, not restriction or fear. We are called to explain the Church’s teachings in ways that resonate with people’s personal experiences and struggles. Our role is also to model how the boundaries of the faith have led to our own freedom. Like a coach who practices with their team, we are called to embody the joy and peace that come from living in harmony with God’s will. Our own witness can inspire others to embrace the framework and boundaries of the faith, not as burdens, but as the pathway to becoming the person they were made to be.

In both basketball and the spiritual life, boundaries are not about limiting freedom but about creating the conditions in which true freedom can flourish. The Church’s moral teachings, sacraments, and spiritual practices are the framework that leads us toward our ultimate goal—holiness and union with God. Just as a basketball player thrives within the structure of the game, so too does a Christian grow within the framework of the Catholic faith. Boundaries guide us, protect us, and allow us to reach our full potential as children of God. When we help others understand and embrace these boundaries, we guide them toward a life of deeper freedom, joy, and flourishing.

3. Perfect Practice: Guiding the Journey to Spiritual Maturity

In both basketball coaching and evangelization, the ultimate goal is transformation—not just in skill or knowledge, but in character and maturity. A coach doesn’t aim to keep players perpetually reliant on instruction; instead, they work to develop self-discipline and mastery so that players can take ownership of their growth and make meaningful contributions to the team. Similarly, in evangelization, we’re called to guide people from spiritual infancy to maturity, walking with them as they learn to internalize and live out their faith. This process is relational, gradual, and deeply rewarding. By encouraging growth step by step, celebrating progress, and fostering self-discipline, we help others move from dependence on external guidance to an integrated, personal commitment to Christ.

Evangelization isn’t a one-way street where we simply teach and correct. Instead, it’s a journey we undertake together, much like a coach walking alongside a player through the highs and lows of development. This relational approach mirrors how Jesus guided His disciples—not by simply giving orders but by living with them, teaching them, and gradually preparing them to carry on His mission. As evangelizers, we are called to cast a vision for what a life of faith can look like. We must help others see that they are made for greatness—not worldly success, but the greatness of living in relationship with God and reflecting His love to the world. Like a coach who lifts a struggling player’s spirits, we need to offer encouragement and hope, especially when someone feels discouraged or stuck in their spiritual growth. True accompaniment means walking with people in their struggles, doubts, and questions, not rushing them to the finish line. Evangelization is often a slow process that requires patience and perseverance.

Jesus modeled this perfectly. Think of how He interacted with His disciples, gently guiding them through their misunderstandings and failures. Even after Peter’s denial, Jesus restored him with love and trust, commissioning him to “feed my sheep” (John 21:17). This patient, relational approach should inspire our own work in evangelization.

Growth in both basketball and the spiritual life happens incrementally. Players don’t become great overnight, and neither do saints. Coaches design drills to develop specific skills, ensuring that players build a solid foundation before attempting advanced techniques. However, it’s not just about any practice; it’s about perfect practice—intentional, focused, and disciplined effort that eliminates bad habits and builds the right ones. Perfect practice is about being fully present and mindful, focusing on areas of weakness and refining them. In the spiritual life, this means not just saying prayers but praying with purpose and attention, allowing God to shape us through those moments. Repetition with reflection is also crucial. Repeating actions or prayers without thought can lead to stagnation, but reflecting on what works and where we fall short allows us to grow. For example, examining our conscience daily helps us learn from our mistakes and recommit to virtue.

Just as a player doesn’t master their free throw in one session, spiritual growth takes time and steady effort. Perfect practice requires trust in the process and the willingness to persevere through struggles. The framework of perfect practice in faith includes practices like daily prayer, frequent reception of the Eucharist and Confession, and acts of love. These are the “fundamentals” of the Christian life, much like passing or dribbling drills in basketball. Perfect practice ensures that spiritual growth isn’t random or accidental but deliberate and effective. It helps individuals build spiritual “muscle memory” that enables them to navigate life’s challenges with grace and confidence.

One of the hallmarks of maturity is internalization. A skilled basketball player doesn’t need constant reminders about footwork or positioning because they’ve practiced so often that the fundamentals become second nature. Similarly, a mature Christian doesn’t simply follow the rules of the Church out of obligation; they live out the faith from a deep, internal conviction. As evangelizers, our goal is to help others move from external adherence to internal transformation. This involves teaching the “Why” behind the rules. People are more likely to embrace the Church’s teachings when they understand their purpose. For instance, explaining the rationale behind moral teachings—how they protect human dignity and foster authentic love—helps people see them not as restrictions but as pathways to freedom and flourishing. Encouraging personal prayer and reflection is also crucial. Inviting people to cultivate a personal relationship with Christ through prayer, Scripture, and quiet reflection allows faith to move from being an external set of practices to an internal, lived reality.

Just as a coach challenges players to take ownership of their growth, we should challenge those we evangelize to take responsibility for their spiritual lives. Encourage them to take initiative, whether by joining a faith community, serving others, or sharing their faith. In both coaching and evangelization, the work we do is essential—but ultimately, we’re not in control of the outcome. A coach can guide, teach, and encourage, but it’s up to the player to put in the work and embrace the process. Similarly, in evangelization, we plant seeds and nurture them, but it’s the Holy Spirit who causes growth. Prayer is the foundation of effective evangelization. Through prayer, we entrust the people we’re working with to God, asking Him to guide their hearts and deepen their faith.

Conversion and spiritual growth rarely happen on our timeline. Someone might take years to fully embrace the faith—or they might take steps we never witness. Trust that God is working in their lives, even when progress seems invisible. As St. Paul wrote, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth” (1 Corinthians 3:6).

The ultimate goal of evangelization is to help others reach spiritual maturity—a state where they live out their faith with confidence, joy, and love. This maturity doesn’t mean perfection but rather a deep integration of faith into every aspect of life. Signs of spiritual maturity include a strong prayer life, a hunger for the sacraments, a commitment to serving others, and a desire to share the faith with others. Mature disciples become evangelizers themselves, just as the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4) went from meeting Jesus to bringing her entire village to Him. This cycle of discipleship and evangelization is the heart of the Church’s mission.

Guiding someone to spiritual maturity is a profound and rewarding journey, one that requires patience, perseverance, and trust in God. Like a coach helping a player grow from a novice to a leader, we are called to walk alongside others, offering guidance, encouragement, and structure as they grow in their faith. By fostering progress through perfect practice, we help others develop the “spiritual fundamentals” that lead to mastery and maturity in Christ. Ultimately, evangelization is about forming disciples who are not only rooted in the faith but capable of living it out with joy and purpose. Our task is to guide, nurture, and inspire—and then step back and marvel as God brings the transformation to completion. In the words of St. Paul, “Let us press on to maturity, not laying again the foundation… but striving for what lies ahead” (Hebrews 6:1, Philippians 3:13).

Pope Francis Leadership Style: A Unique Approach

Exploring Pope Francis Leadership Style and Its Impact

When you think of a cardinal in the Catholic Church, it’s easy to imagine someone with significant influence–overseeing a diocese, running a major Vatican office, or preparing for a conclave to elect the next pope. After all, the red hat–symbolizing a cardinal’s willingness to shed their blood for the faith–comes with centuries of tradition and authority.

But under Pope Francis, things aren’t quite that straightforward.

In fact, some cardinals under Francis have waited years without receiving an official assignment. Others, even those with impressive resumes, remain in limbo, performing smaller but still meaningful roles in the life of the Church. This raises an intriguing question: what is Pope Francis up to?

Let’s take a closer look.

A Shift in Perspective

First, Pope Francis seems to be rethinking what it means to be a cardinal. In his view, the red hat doesn’t automatically entitle someone to a prominent position in the Church. Figures like Cardinal Gerhard Müller, Cardinal Raymond Burke, and Cardinal Philippe Barbarin–each of whom once held significant roles–now find themselves without official assignments.

But here’s the thing: these cardinals are far from sidelined. They’re still active in preaching, celebrating Mass, speaking at conferences, and engaging in academic or advocacy work. This suggests that Francis sees their influence as broader than any particular role.

In effect, he’s redefining leadership in the Church. Rather than tying a cardinal’s identity to a bureaucratic title, Francis seems more focused on their spiritual, symbolic, and pastoral contributions. It’s a reminder that the Church’s mission extends far beyond administrative structures.

Strategic Moves for the Church’s Future

This approach isn’t just practical; it’s strategic. The College of Cardinals–the body that will eventually elect the next pope–is a key part of Francis’ vision for the Church. Through his appointments, Francis has worked to shape a more global, inclusive, and outward-looking group of leaders.

For example, many of the cardinals he’s chosen come from the Global South, regions historically underrepresented in the Church’s highest ranks. From Africa to Asia to Latin America, these leaders reflect the diverse realities of the universal Church.

By elevating cardinals from these areas, Francis is sending a clear message: the Church’s future lies in engaging with its global faithful and addressing the unique challenges they face. This isn’t diversity for its own sake; it’s a practical move to ensure that the Church is equipped to respond to the needs of the 21st century.

Patience in a Big Institution

Of course, part of this waiting game comes down to logistics. There are only so many Vatican offices or diocesan appointments to go around. Sometimes, cardinals have to wait for positions to open up.

For instance, Cardinal Kevin Farrell and Cardinal João Braz de Aviz both spent time without major assignments before stepping into key roles. This might feel unusual in a Church known for its hierarchical structure, but it’s also part of its deeply organic, deliberative nature.

Things don’t move quickly in the Vatican, and that’s not necessarily a flaw. Instead, it reflects the Church’s long-term thinking–a hallmark of its 2,000-year history.

Asymmetric Appointments: Creating New Possibilities

Another key feature of Francis’ strategy is his use of asymmetric appointments. Instead of following traditional pathways for leadership roles, he often places individuals in unexpected positions–or even creates entirely new ones to suit his vision.

Take, for example, Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, Cardinal Michael Czerny, and Cardinal Fabio Baggio. Each was assigned to roles that broke with conventional expectations but highlighted Francis’ priorities: immigration, social justice, and pastoral care.

These appointments illustrate a broader shift in how leadership is exercised in the Church. By stepping away from rigid structures, Francis is creating new possibilities for governance, ensuring that leadership serves the Church’s mission rather than simply upholding tradition for tradition’s sake.

Examples of His Vision in Action

Pope Francis’ approach is visible in the issues his appointees champion. For instance, Cardinal Michael Czerny’s work with migrants and refugees directly reflects the pope’s focus on mercy and solidarity with the marginalized. Similarly, Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich’s leadership on environmental issues aligns with Francis’ emphasis on care for creation in Laudato Si’.

These examples show how Francis is slowly but surely steering the Church toward his vision. Each appointment, each new initiative, is a step in the process of building a more missionary, inclusive Church–one that reflects the needs and realities of today’s world.

Challenges and Opportunities

Of course, not everyone is thrilled with these changes. Some cardinals may feel sidelined or underutilized, while others may struggle with Francis’ unconventional methods. And let’s face it: change in a 2,000-year-old institution is never easy.

Yet, this approach also brings opportunities. By decoupling the red hat from bureaucratic expectations, Francis is freeing cardinals to focus on their spiritual mission. Leadership in the Church isn’t just about holding a title–it’s about service, humility, and engaging with the world in meaningful ways.

The Bigger Picture

Ultimately, Pope Francis’ leadership reflects his vision of a “Church that goes forth.” It’s a Church less focused on internal power struggles and more concerned with evangelization, mercy, and global solidarity.

This strategy is both gradual and forward-looking. Francis understands that lasting change takes time, and he seems content to plant seeds now, trusting that future generations will see them bear fruit.

So, the next time you hear about a cardinal without an official assignment, don’t assume they’re out of the game. Instead, see them as part of a larger, dynamic vision for the Church–a vision that’s unfolding step by step, guided by the Spirit and rooted in hope.

Sources and Recommended Reading

For those looking to explore more about Pope Francis’ leadership style, the concept of inclusive leadership, and the future of the Catholic Church, here are some key resources:

1. Books by Pope Francis

Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) – Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation on the Church’s mission of evangelization.

Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home – His groundbreaking encyclical on environmental stewardship.

Fratelli Tutti (All Brothers) – A reflection on fraternity and social friendship.

2. On Church Leadership and Governance

• To Change the Church: Pope Francis and the Future of Catholicism by Ross Douthat – A thoughtful examination of Francis’ papacy and its implications for the Church.

• Lead with Humility: 12 Leadership Lessons from Pope Francis by Jeffrey Krames – Insights into Francis’ leadership principles and their application beyond the Church.

3. On the Global Church

• A Future of Faith: The Path of Change in Politics and Society by Pope Francis and Dominique Wolton – A dialogue exploring Francis’ thoughts on modern society and the Church’s role.

• The Globalization of God: Religion, Secularism, and the Call to Justice by Fr. Daniel J. Groody – A look at how faith communities engage with global challenges.

4. On Inclusivity and Social Justice

• The Church of Mercy by Pope Francis – A collection of homilies and speeches highlighting his vision of a Church that prioritizes mercy and inclusion.

• Catholic Social Teaching: A Guide for the Perplexed by Anthony M. Esolen – A concise introduction to the Church’s teachings on social justice.

5. Biographies and Context

• The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope by Austen Ivereigh – A comprehensive biography of Pope Francis and his transformative vision for the Church.

• Francis of Rome and Francis of Assisi: A New Springtime for the Church by Leonardo Boff – Drawing connections between Pope Francis and his namesake, St. Francis of Assisi.

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